Automatic Power Factor Detector and Corrector

Published Jun 18, 2020
 10 hours to build

Power factor correction is the capacity of absorbing the reactive power produced by a load. It determines the phase angle lag (ø) between the voltage and current signals and then determines the corresponding power factor (cos ø).Then the microcontroller calculates the compensation requirement and accordingly switches on the required number of capacitors from the capacitor bank until the power factor is normalized to about unity.

display image

Components Used

LCD16x2 Display
LCD16x2 Display
Arduino Nano
Arduino Nano
Relay Module Single Channel
Relay Module Single Channel
7805 Voltage Regulator
7805 Voltage Regulator
LED 5mm
LED 5mm
Diode 1N400x
Diode 1N400x
BC548C Bipolar Transistors
BC548C Bipolar Transistors
Lamps Candelabra Screw 230V
CT current sensor Module
A current transformer is an instrument transformer, used along with measuring or protective devices, in which the secondary current is proportional to the primary current

Power Triangle:


For phase angle calculation,        

               ɸ = Δt x f x 360˚

Where  Δt = Time difference (s)

               F = Frequency (50 hz)

              Power factor = cos ɸ

Power Factor Correction:          

 Power factor correction is the process of compensating for the lagging current by creating a leading current by connecting capacitor to the supply. A sufficient capacitance can be connected so that the power factor is adjusted to be as close to unity as possible.  Power factor correction (PFC) is a system of counteracting the undesirable effects of electric loads that create a power factor that is less than one (1).                          

In Power factor correction, System scans the current and voltage waveforms of Load connected to Supply OUT at every 10 Seconds. If load having PF less than 0.95 or greater than -0.95, then it considered as Inductive load. As soon as Inductive load detected, Correction Capacitor get added in parallel to Inductive load. (At ideal condition, PF value -1 or +1 considered as Resistive load.)



The current and voltage signal are acquired from the main AC line by using Current Transformer and Potential Transformer. These acquired signals are then pass on the Zero crossing detectors. Bridge Rectifier for both current and voltage signals transposes the analog signals to the digital signal.

                   Microcontroller read the RMS value for voltage and current used in its algorithm to select the value of in demand capacitor for the load to correct the power factor and monitors the behaviour of the enduring load on the basis of current depleted by the load.

                  In case of low power factor Microcontroller send out the signal to switching unit that will switch on the in-demand value of capacitor. The tasks executed by the microcontroller for correcting the low power factor by selecting the in demand value of capacitor and load monitoring are shown in LCD.

Block Diagram

Microcontroller read the RMS value for voltage and current used in its algorithm to select the value of in demand capacitor for the load to correct the power factor and monitors the behaviour of the enduring load on the basis of current depleted by the load.  In case of low power factor Microcontroller send out the signal to switching unit that will switch on the in-demand value of capacitor. The tasks executed by the microcontroller for correcting the low power factor by selecting the in demand value of capacitor and load monitoring are shown in LCD.


Circuit Diagram

These two digitized signals i.e. voltage and currents are sent to the microcontroller as the inputs. According to the program written microcontroller calculates the time difference between the zero crossings of these two signals. This time difference is indirectly proportional to the system power factor. The information about this power factor and the power loss is displayed on the LCD display. And according to the range calculated by the microcontroller program; this drives the relays which switches the shunt capacitors across the load.


The expected outcome of this project is to measuring the power factor value displaying it in the LCD and to improve power factor using capacitor bank and reduce current draw by the load using microcontroller and proper algorithm to turn on capacitor automatically, determine and trigger sufficient switching of capacitor in order to compensate excessive reactive components, thus bringing power factor near to unity ,there by improving the efficiency of the system and reducing the electricity bill. 

supply PCB 3d view
tracking of supply PCB and main PCB




ZCD output from inputs to the X-OR
ZCD outputs of current and voltage as inputs to the X-OR


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Institute / Organization

RMD sinhgad school of engineering warje