Automatic Weather Monitoring System Using LED Matrix Display

Published Jul 11, 2020
 3 hours to build

Present innovations in technology mainly focus on controlling and monitoring of different activities. These are increasingly emerging to reach human needs. An efficient weather monitoring system is required to monitor and assess the conditions in case of exceeding the prescribed level of parameters (e.g., temperature, humidity, pressure, cloud, wind speed and wind direction with time and date).

display image

Components Used

Connecting Wire Jumper Wires
Connecting Wire Breadboard wires
12VDC Adapters Power Supply
8x32 LED Matrix Display Flexible
8x32 LED Matrix Display Flexible
Acrylic Box


The main aim of this work is to design and implement an efficient weather monitoring system through which the required parameters are monitored remotely using the OpenWeatherMap api  and the data stored in the cloud for a selected city directly shows on the LED Matrix Display.

Weather monitoring system is one of the important aspect which can be displayed over the LED Matrix display. To communicate the display device from a distance, IoT based approach can be used. We can make our communication more efficient and faster, with greater efficiency we can display the messages and with fewer errors and maintenance.

Open Weather Map

The Open Weather Map is an online service that provides weather data to web services and mobile applications. It provides more than 1 billion forecasts every day from around the world. There are more than a million users of this platform and thousands of new subscribers are adding each day. The platform provides more than 20 APIs to render weather related data. In this project,NodeMCU will be designed which could connect to one of the APIs provided by Open Weather Map and so could display the weather data on an LED Matrix Display. 

LED Matrix Display

The heart of scrolling display is dot matrix led display unit. One or more dot matrix display is multiplexed to form a display panel. A set of hex values define a character Which are sent to the dot matrix display. Following image is showing that normal dotMatrix interfacing model. To minimize the pin usage led matrix is formed having a certain number of rows and columns. The concept is to refresh each display unit with a frequency at which the human eye cannot perceive changes.

Block Diagram


Here we are designing NodeMCU based scrolling display. The block diagram is divided into two parts. The first part has a power supply and controller circuit. The display unit is in the second part. The power supply circuit is built around 12v dc adaptor and regulator ic 7805 to give 5V dc regulation. The circuit provides regulated 5V for the operation of the circuit. In a dot-matrix LED display, the LEDs are wired together in rows and columns to minimize the number of pins required to drive them.

Circuit Diagram 


This is the simple circuit diagram for weather monitoring system.


The results of the display are taken at real-time and snaps of the results are showing below.

  • Title
Title : Weather Station, RMDSSOE
  • Time
TIME: 4:24
  • Day
Day : Tuesday
  • Date
Date : 16.4.2019
  • Temperature
Temp : 26.4
  • Humidity
Humidity : 66%
  • Pressure
Pressure : 1008hPa
  • Cloud
Cloud : 0%
  • Video


This system is programmed using arduino. Such types of technology can be used for People interacting up-to date Smart cities, Shopping malls, Smart colleges, and school notice board, Corporate areas, Smart rail and bus station and increasing the quality of services in the field of technology-aided advertising. 



Block Diagram Download
Circuit Diagram Download

Institute / Organization

RMD sinhgad school of engineering warje