What's all about the Project?
- As we know, now the time is changing and World is opting modernization.This project "SMART PARKING SYSTEM" is all about the modern techniques for parking the vehicles.
- The main purpose of this project is to make use of advance technology for parking large number of vehicles without occupying more area.

- In this system,there are 4 slots which indicates whether they are free or booked. When all the vehicles will occupy the slots then it will indicate as, All slots are booked.

- It is 2-storey Parking system, 2 slots are at first floor and 2 slots are at second floor. After filling the first two slots, the system will lift it up and the next two slots will be available for another vehicle.

- All the Eight led's are connected to digital pin of Arduino ,from 2 to 9.
Lcd is Connected with Arduino with I2C Communication with the help of I2C Module.
- SCL --- A5
- SDA --- A4
IR Sensor:
- IR Sensor are connected with digital pin from 10 to 13.
- Motor is connected with 1st slot of motor driver.
- Input is given to the motor driver with the help of Push Button.
- Another pin of both Button is connected with 5 Volt of Arduino.